RAYCODE (OPC) PRIVATE LIMITED is a Private(One Person Company) registration held business entity registered under The Companies Act, 2013. It’s registered for pre-defined objects or activity Computer and related activities as per Activity Code mentioned under Company CIN Number U72900PN2021OPC206106. Company has paid up capital Rs. 50000 and Authorised Capital Rs. 1500000. It is set up directly by registering the company with RoC, Ministry of Corporate Affairs. Its registered office address is SHOP G 24 TAL. BARAMATI DIST. PUNE SUBHANDRA BUILDCOM PVT LTD MIDC P 15 BARAMATI Pune MH 413102 IN. Private(One Person Company) registration is registered in 2021-11-15, India and Registrar of Company is RoC - Pune. it is Non-govt company. Private(One Person Company) registration Company has paid up capital Rs. 50000 and Authorised Capital Rs. 1500000. .
Status of Company is ACTIVE. RAYCODE (OPC) PRIVATE LIMITED registered state is Maharashtra, India and company category is Company limited by Shares.
Incorporation date ofRAYCODE (OPC) PRIVATE LIMITEDis 15 November 2021.
The company registered address is SHOP G 24 TAL. BARAMATI DIST. PUNE SUBHANDRA BUILDCOM PVT LTD MIDC P 15 BARAMATI Pune MH 413102 IN.
The company incorporated under class Private(One Person Company) company.
ROC with which the company is registered is RoC - Pune.