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The Central Government proposed to make in the Master Plan for Delhi-2021 for Delhi under the Mixed Use Regulations following mixed use/commercial activities are permissible in residential premises


Document Required

Documents Required for Pay MCD Conversion Charges :

1. Rent Agreement or Property Paper

2. Adhaar Card and Pan Card

3. Total Area in Sq. Meter.

4. Year of Establishment.

What You Get

1. Property Registration Id and Receipt

2. Receipt of Paid Conversion Charges 


Conversion rules for Municipal Corporation(MCD) of Delhi 


(i)  Retail shops shall be permitted on plots abutting streets duly notified for mixed use, only on the ground floor up to the maximum permissible ground floor coverage. 

Shops operating from basement on such streets on 7.2.2007 i.e. date of Notification of MPD-2021 may continue, subject to relevant provisions of building by laws, structural safety and fire safety clearance. However, if such use of basement leads to exceeding the permissible FAR on the plot, such FAR in excess shall be used, subject to payment of appropriate charges prescribed with the approval of Government.

The following activities shall not be allowed under Mixed Use Streets:

(a) Retail shops of building materials [timber, timber products (excluding furniture), marble 1, iron and steel, (gravel, cement and sand 2], firewood, coal and any fire hazardous and other bulky materials.

(b) Repair shops/workshops of automobiles, tyre resoling and re-treading, and    battery charging.

(c) Storage, go-down and warehousing.

(d) Junk shop (except paper and glass waste)

(e) Liquor shop

(f) Printing, dyeing and varnishing

(g) Any other activity that may be notified from time to time by Government.

Will not include:

  1. Business of finished marble products where cutting and polishing activity of marble is not undertaken.
  2. Retail shops of gravel, sand and cement shall be permissible in residential plots of at least 50sqm. in notified mixed use streets in E, F and G category colonies, provided that the material is kept entirely within the plot premises.
  3. Repair shops and workshops in case of automobiles shall not be prohibited on plots abutting mixed use streets or commercial streets of right of way (ROW) of 30m or more.


NOTIFIED COMMERCIAL STREETS (including pedestrian shopping streets) vide GNCTD notifications dated 15/09/2006 & 12/04/2007.

On notification of a commercial street/area under this clause, such streets/areas shall be considered as local shopping centres as mentioned in Chapter 5.0 of Master Plan for Delhi [MPD] 2021.

Activities permitted under Local Shopping Centre as given below:

Retail Shopping, Stockists and dealers of medicines and drugs, Commercial Offices, Clinical Laboratory, Clinic & Poly Clinic, Repair/Services, Bank, ATM, Guest House, Nursing Home, Informal Trade, Coaching Centres/Training Institutes, Restaurant.

Shops operating from basement on such streets on date of notification of the MPD 2021 may continue, subject to relevant provisions of building bye laws, structural safety and fire safety clearance. However, if such use of basement leads to exceeding the permissible FAR on the plot, such FAR in excess shall be used subject to payment of appropriate charges prescribed with the approval of Government.

THE SMALL SHOPS of maximum 20 sqm. area, trading in or dealing with the following items/activities, may be allowed on ground floor only, in residential premises, including in A and B category colonies:

i. Vegetables / fruits / flowers

ii. Bakery items/Confectionary items;

iii. Kirana /General store;

iv. Dairy product;

v. Stationery/Books/Gifts/Book binding;

vi. Photostat/Fax/STD/PCO;

vii.  Cyber café/Call phone booths;

viii. LPG booking office/Showroom without LPG cylinders;

ix. Atta Chakki;

x. Meat/Poultry and Fish shop;

xi. Pan shop;

xii. Barber shop/Hair dressing saloon/Beauty parlour;

xiii. Laundry/Dry cleaning/ironing;

xiv. Sweet shop/Tea stall without sitting arrangement;

xv. Chemist shop/Clinic/Dispensary/Pathology lab;

xvi. Optical shop;

xvii. Tailoring shop;

xviii. Electrical/Electronic repair shop; and

xix. Photo studio;

xx. Cable TV/DTH Operation;

xxi. Hosiery/Readymade Garments/Cloth shop;

xxii. ATM

xxiii. Cycle Repair Shop

xxiv. Ration shop & Kerosene Shop under PDS.

Issue relating to number of small shops to be permitted in one plot is pending before the Hon’ble Supreme Court in the above referred case. The decision of the Hon’ble Courts shall be binding on the plot owner/allottee/residents/user irrespective of the deposition of conversion/ registration charges.



Subject to the general conditions given in para 15.4 of MPD-2021 and additional conditions given in para 15.7.3 of MPD-2021 the following public and semi-public activities shall also be permitted in the residential plots abutting roads of minimum ROW [Right Of Way] prescribed in 15.7.2 of MPD-2021, whether or not the road is notified as mixed use street:

(a)  Pre-primary school (including nursery / Montessori school, crèche.)

(b)   Nursing home, Clinic, Dispensary, Pathology lab and Diagnostic center.

(c)  Guest house (including lodging houses) irrespective of number of rooms.

(d) Bank

(e)  Fitness Center (including gymnasium, yoga/ meditation center)

(f)  Coaching center /tuition centres other than those imparting structured course leading directly to the award a degree of diploma or conducting classes such a regular school.



Subject to general terms & conditions specified in para 15.4 & 15.8 of Master Plan of Delhi-2021 following professional activities are permissible in Plotted Development and Group Housing.

Professional activities shall mean those activities involving services based on professional skills namely Doctor, Lawyer, Architect, and Chartered Accountant, Company secretary, Cost and Works Accountant, Engineer, Town Planner, Media professionals and Documentary Film maker.

NB : In view of the stay order passed by the Hon’ble Supreme Court in relation to professional activities, currently registration/mis-use/car parking charges etc,. are not payable at present.



All categories of colonies

Only professional activity, and small shops in terms of para 15.6.3 shall be permissible in group housing. Retail shops specifically provided for in the lay out plan of group housing would be permissible.


The Registration, Conversion Charges & Parking Charges in special areas shall be governed as follows.

i) Residential areas and streets/stretches earlier declared as commercial areas/streets or where commercial use was allowed in MPD-1962 shall continue such use at least to the extent as permissible in MPD-1962. No charges for conversion and parking would be charged from these areas.

ii) Commercial activity to the extent being carried out in Special Area prior to 1962 shall be permissible, subject to documentary proof, without any payment of conversion charges and parking charges.

iii) Any commercial activity in special area, at places not covered under (i) and (ii) above, started after 1962 till 7.2.2007 (when the MPD-2021 was notified) shall be permissible subject to registration and payment of conversion and parking charges.


Any trade or activity involving any kind of obnoxious, hazardous, inflammable, non-compatible and polluting substance or process shall not be permitted. As per clause 15.5 of MPD 2021.

All the concerned owners/allottee/resident/user of the premises covered by Mixed-Use Regulations as described above are required to get their use registered and to pay the registration charges, entire mixed use charges and parking charges as per the provision of MPD 2021 & DDA notification dt. 22/06/2007 as detailed below:



The premises under mixed use shall be subject to levy of Annual Mixed use charges for the period upto which the premises remain / likely to remain under mixed use. The Annual Mixed Use charges for the financial year 2006-07 and 2007-08 for different categories of colonies shall be as under:

Time Duration

2 Days


Q. What is Conversion Charges of MCD?
