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StartupGali India


NIL GST Return or Max. 30 Invoice( Monthly Return)

GSTR3(GST Tax Return) :  Monthly

GSTR1(GST Sale Return) : Monthly/Querterly(Optional)

Monthly Prof. Fees - Rs. 500 +Rs.90 (18% GST Tax)



StartupGali India


NIL GST Return or Max. 30 Invoice( Monthly Return)- Pay Quarterly Advance

GSTR3 (GST Tax Return) :  Monthly

GSTR1 (GST Sale Return) : Monthly/Quarterly(Optional)

Quarterly Prof. Fees - Rs. 1200 +Rs.216 (18%GST Tax)



StartupGali India


51-100 Invoice( Monthly Return)

GSTR3(GST Tax Return) :  Monthly

GSTR1(GST Sale Return) : Monthly/Querterly(Optional)


GST Registration is the first step for our social responsibility for the nation. The next step after New GST Registration is take care of all the compliances made for the same like to file GST Returns, to pay GST Tax on our purchases and to charge GST on our sale. So, after GST Registration, the taxpayer has to file some GST Returns and pay the liability before due dates.

There are various GST Return forms prescribed with their due dates.


  1. GSTR-1-   Details of sales of taxable goods and/or services effected.
  2. GSTR-2 - Details of purchase of taxable goods and/or services effected claiming input tax credit.
  3. GSTR-3 - Monthly return on the basis of finalization of details of sales and purchase along with the payment of amount of tax.
  4. GSTR-3B - Simple return launched on behalf of GSTR-3 for Pay tax.

Late Fee for filing GSTR-3B after the due date is as follows:

  • Rs. 50 per day of delay (Maximum Rs.5000 per Month)
  • Rs. 20 per day of delay for taxpayers having Nil Tax Liability for the Month. (Maximum Rs.5000 per Month)
  • Interest @ 18% per annum is payable on the amount of outstanding tax to be paid.

Document Required

1. Required Login Id and PAssword on GST Site.

2. Required all sales invoice.

3. required all purchase invoice

What You Get

1.  GST Tax Receipt

2. GSTR-3B Return Report

3. GSTR 1 Return Report


Advantage :

Pay GST Tax through GST Return is the doos step for our social responsibility for the nation.

Time Duration

Last Date for file GSTR 3B Return (Tax Return) : 20th of Next Month (Monthly Return)

Last Date for file GSTR 1 Return (Sales Invoice Return) : 10th of Next Month ( Opt Monthly Return)

Last Date for file GSTR 1 Return (Sales Invoice Return) : 30th of Next Month of Quarter End( Opt Quarterly Return)

Last Date for file GSTR 2 Return (Purchse Invoice Return) : Suspended

